Texture you can see and feel
Light plays a vital role in the way we experience architecture, bridging the gap
What is AAMA 2605?
Metal panels include 2 major parts, the substrate and the finish. While the finish
Why “Artificial” Materials are Great for Design
There is a dichotomy within architectural design that conventionally sees natural materials – wood,
May: Awards & Honors
May was an exciting month for Pure + FreeForm projects, with 3 separate projects,
Fire Prevention in Design with ASTM E84
Building fires have marked some of the most tragic events in world history. From
Specifications: The intersection of beauty and performance
The right materials can be hard to find, and even harder to specify. Why?
Colorful Metals in Design
Color is a universal, visual language. Studies have shown people across the world, in
Mortarr | Beyond the Showroom
Pure + FreeForm recently chatted with the team at Mortarr, an Albert Lea, MN