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ASTM Coating Strength

While most of our daily lives has felt like it has slowed down over the past few months, things have been ramping up at Pure + FreeForm! Over the past few months, we were able to have 3 additional ASTM certified tests completed on our...

Texture you can see and feel

Light plays a vital role in the way we experience architecture, bridging the gap between perception and the spaces we inhabit. Illumination defines color, texture, and depth, enhancing our comprehension of context, place, and space. Consequently, the manipulation of texture, luminosity, and surface characteristics of...

June News Roundup

June was a big month for Pure + FreeForm with the launch of our technical documents on our ceiling systems and wall systems pages as well as our first virtually hosted open lunch & learn! If you missed our first one, you can learn about...

What is AAMA 2605?

Metal panels include 2 major parts, the substrate and the finish. While the finish color itself might be the seemingly most important feature of the panel, it actually is not. Nearly any hue, pattern, gloss, or texture can be achieved with certain metals and specific...

May: Awards & Honors

May was an exciting month for Pure + FreeForm projects, with 3 separate projects, all in Manhattan, from 2019 earning recognition from some of the top voices in architecture and design. See the details and honors below!...

Fire Prevention in Design with ASTM E84

Building fires have marked some of the most tragic events in world history. From the long-ago street fires in Chicago to a more recent example at Grenfell Tower in London, fire continues to shape the ways we build and thus, the ways we design. And...

Colorful Metals in Design

Color is a universal, visual language. Studies have shown people across the world, in varied cultures, genders, and ages, have shared ideas about color connotations and the moods associated with different colors. Red can be perceived as fiery and passionate, while green is often considered...